Feasibility provides recommendation whether a project should be implemented or not; before the project is realised but after studies have been made on the areas of finance and marketing, etc.
Thanks to the scientific and comprehensive studies it conducts, Kalme Corporate aims to prevent irreversible mistakes of its customers by reminding them the importance of feasibility studies as well as making the right decisions on investment.
In brief, feasibility studies are a kind of report which shows what the investor will produce, where he/she will sell it, how much the investment will cost, in which area the investment will be made, and what the investor will earn. Feasibility studies are comprehensive ones that analyse whether projects are technically, commercially, financially, and economically, socially and institutionally feasible before the investment decision has been made and the implementation (final) projects have been prepared. Feasibility studies can be made not only for new investments but also for partial investments, renovation and modernisation studies.
Feasibility studies are, in general, comprised of five main elements, i.e. market analysis, location analysis, financial analysis, technological and legal investigations.
As for investments, alternative investment scenarios are examined, strategies are put forward so that the investment can achieve the highest success possible, and criteria such risk factors, opportunities, performance, cash flows are studied.
Real estate investments can be made in various ways and with various practices applied. Rights in land use regarding the zoning status and following procedures as well as costs related to those, outputs during the project and projections regarding how a demand will be shaped during and after the project are all very important to determine before the investment is made. Furthermore, studying advantages and proceeds to be collected in cases where the investors to develop a project buy the land or make an agreement with the landlord as well as studying supply and demand data when the investment is to be made on developed property rather than a construction itself, and the profitability of the investment are quite significant issues. Thus, in terms of investment consultancy services, we provide information and estimates to investors about costs, values, supply-demand statuses in line with the fundamental principles of real estate valuation.
Such studies include the valuation of projects which are developed on a vacant land by utilising techniques including the time value of money and techniques including the time value of money.
For the project valuation studies that are under risk, determination of risk-free incomes equivalent to the risky ones and adjustment of the expected incomes according to the risks are also taken into account when necessary.
In addition to the valuation of a project developed on a land, project development studies are made on the land in a manner to achieve the highest and best use.
Project valuation that is prepared upon demand and projections of the customer or project analyses made in line with the demands of the customer can be a subject matter for reporting.
Different criteria are considered and different studies are made for different types of real estates.
Market and sectoral studies are the ones in which information regarding the supply, sales speed and sales prices of the rivals is analysed by going through their market value with the aim of determining the market conditions that the real estate would be affected by.
Data collected create an infrastructure for economic, operational and physical admissions.
It is a general principle that an enterprise creates the minimum costs, yet gains the maximum benefit economically and socially. To this end, the most convenient place for investment should be determined.
Location analysis requires the determination of the most rational place after considering a number of factors such as raw materials, energy, work force, being close to the market, natural conditions, transport facilities, and the potential for development.
Highest and best use can be briefly defined as the possible use that creates the highest value for a real property that is physically possible and legally permitted and financially feasible.
Further analyses are conducted whether the current use is the highest and the best use possible.
This involves the investigation of the compliance of the real estate with the information and documents in the land registers and other official institutions. Consulting services are provided for ensuring the non-compliant parts of the real estate in hand to be in compliance with the official registers.
Valuation and recommendation reports are prepared for the real estates to include their existing use, legal data, highest and best use.
A team of experts conduct NPL and Portfolio valuations in order to value the real estates in the portfolios of enterprises and NPLs.